October 22, 2024

Latin America & Caribbean

Peace Tour, South America
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - International

True Mother and True Children continued the speaking tour in South America, with programs in fourteen nations: Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Rep., Jamaica, Bahamas, Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Peru, Chile from July 27 to August 9, 2006

July 28, 2006  Argentina, Buenos Aires
The Main Program began at 6 PM at the Sheraton-Park Tower Hotel.  700 were in attendance.  Rev. Gustavo Giuliano was emcee. Dr. Walsh read the Chairman's Address. And then, since Yeon Jin Nim could not get to Buenos Aires in time for the program, Jeong Jin Nim was suddenly asked to read, with little time to prepare. She was introduced as the 13th of 13 children, and the 6th daughter in a family that has 7 sons. She graduated from Boston University in Psychology.

July 29, 2006  Brazil, Sao Paulo
The main event took place in that main ballroom with 4000 in attendance including "overflow rooms," and included a group of eight major religious leaders, current government officials, civic leaders and Ambassadors for Peace, etc. For the second time on this tour, Yeon Jin Moon read the Founder's Address, "God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World." She is a graduate of New York University with a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism and economics. Born in 1981 in New York, Yeon Jin is the twelfth child of the True Parents.

Yeon Jin Moon


August 1, 2006 Colombia, Bogota
On August 1 during hoondokhae and celebration the, True Mother said, "The world is always hearing about the problems of this country and this region. There is AIDS, family breakdown, drugs, etc. You have to restore the dignity of your country. I don't want applause; I want practice," she said, "I want you to practice what I am saying. The only solution to the problems of this region and all nations are the movement of pure love, campaigns for pure love, AIDS prevention, against drugs, and other efforts aimed to restore the dignity of the nation. You know so much more than other people. So, please pledge, by showing your hands if you will do this"

August 2, 2006 Dominican Rep. Santo Domingo
On August 2, the main event was held at the Renaissance Hotel theatre. Hon. Gloria Guittierez, Secretary of State, offered the Welcome Remarks. Dr. Walsh presented the Chairman's Address. Senora Sun Jin Moon presented the Founder's Address; her first opportunity to present Father's message on the 180 nation tour. Sun Jin Nim's warm, lively, engaging style brought the speech to life and won her audience's full attention. As had her siblings before her, she did fight back without complete success her tears when speaking about the suffering heart of God at the loss of His original ideal of true love. When she spoke about God's ideal of true love, it was like the Completed Testament Age expansion of  the New Testament's oft-quoted passages on love in Paul's letter to the Corinthians.

August 4, 2006 Bahamas, Nassau
During hoondokhae, on August 5th, True Mother spoke to the persons in attendance. She described how she felt like a gypsy, being on the tour since April 28, and the previous day's event being number 99 on the world tour. She said: "Whenever I listen to this message, as we have this morning, I feel we are truly blessed, ... Wherever this message is presented, people feel the heart of God. Through this tour the message speaks about original ideal of God."

She expressed how she felt, seeing so many familiar faces among our Ambassadors for Peace, "they give me energy... During this tour, I am bringing God's word and blessing. I also encourage those in each nation to begin a new movement of heart. By centering on God's word, we can expand the realm of God's love, God's principle, God's blessing, to reconnect to the lineage of God."

True Mother said she would like to hear some comments and reflections on the previous day's event and many clergymen volunteered their thoughts. Several mentioned that at the time, the Bahamas were under threat of the arrival of Hurricane Christopher, but that it diverted before making landfall.

August 5, 2006 Mexico, Mexico City
On August 6, the morning devotion was read by Alejandro de Souza, who then translated for Sun Jin, who gave some remarks and guidance.

Sun Jin Moon

World Peace Blessing

She expressed heartfelt thanks that this 100th event was completed so successfully and she spoke about her experiences of being on the tour. "We are very tired just after four days, and to imagine all that Mother is doing, and all that our Parents are doing in pouring out their heart and energy all over the world. So we really should become the true filial sons and daughters. One thing I have seen this time on the tour, I can see how much effort and work is necessary to put these events together. There is so much enormous sacrifice and hard work—truly, so many are giving continually of one's self for the sake of others. I had a deep realization of this point during these past four days.

"It reminds me when Mother said to me many times, 'wait till you have children, and then you will understand.' We haven't all been ideal children and have caused sometimes tremendous annoyance and suffering to our Parents, but they have never given up on us, not for a moment. This brings us to the significance of the speech and the point about the parent-child relationship. It is at the very core of the Providence and the way we change the world.

"I heard from Rev. Yoo that Mexico is a very warm-hearted culture, very family-oriented, with people gathering together frequently to be together. I was very happy to see this, it is a great attribute. Today is a celebration and it is a victory, so let us have some singing."

August 6, 2006 Costa Rica, San Jose
During hoondokhae on August 7, True Mother emphasizes the importance of the Korean language and urges the young people to study it in order to be able to communicate more completely with God and understand his love. She tells the group, "We're in a position to bring God's dream into reality, and in that respect we are the happiest people. We know why we are alive, why we have to live, and how to fulfill our mission. This world is like a field of wild olive trees and you are becoming the true olive trees. A wild olive tree, no matter how long it tries, will not be a true olive tree. It is only possible by engrafting unto True Parents. Now is the point we are turning from wild olive trees to true love trees. How happy we should be to practice the teachings of the True Parents. Happiness is such that the more you share it, the more it multiplies."

Sun Jin speaks, especially to the young people, from the position of being a daughter of her parents, and seeing how dedicated they are to the cause of peace, and how hard they work. She asks the CARP members to sing, and some volunteers sing "Saranghae." She thanks them and tells them, "You are the future of our movement and you are leading the way to liberate God's heart."

August 7, 2006 Venezuela, Caracas
On August 7, the main program was at 6:30, attended by 900 people. The program went very well, with a lot of very good advance preparation. David Stewart welcomed everyone the program which moved quickly through the preprogram, Holy Wine Ceremony and Chairman's Address to Sun Jin Nim's presentation of the Founder's Address. Sun Jin Nim was beautiful, and breathed life into Father's words, setting the stage for TM's presentation. Though not fully recovered from her cold, Mother Moon's health was clearly improving, and her presentation strong as ever. 


Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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